Budget 2011: New IHT Rule

The Chancellor introduced an alteration to the Inheritance Tax rules in yesterday’s Budget. This will possibly help chairities with perhaps slightly larger gifts.
Example 1
Let us suppose that an estate is worth £800,000 and that the couple have died without using any other forms of tax planning. Prior to the budget the tax levied would be 40% of the balance above the nil rate band (with a couple, this is effectively doubled from £325,000 to £650,000) so 40% of the remaining £150,000. An IHT payment of £60,000 to HMRC. The balance of £740,000 would be paid to the beneficiaries of the Will.
The Budget states that if 10% of an estate is gifted then the tax liability would also reduce by 10% from 40% to 36%.
Returning to our example, an £800,000 estate, gifted £80,000 leaves a £720,000 estate (£80,000 to charity). Using both nil rate bands (£650,000) the taxable estate is £70,000 which would not be taxed at 40% resulting in a payment of £28,000 but 36% resulting in an IHT payment of £25,200. The beneficiaries of the Will inherit £694,800.
The only change in the rule is the reduction to the IHT tax from 40% to 36% as any gift to charity from an estate is paid tax-free to the charity and falls outside the estate for tax calculations.
Please note that the nil rate band of £325,000 per person is frozen until April 2015. However after this date CPI (Consumer Price Index) will be applied to the allowance.
Example 2
By way of another example, say a larger estate worth £10m and assuming that no other tax planning has been performed. Before the budget, the tax liability would have been £3.74m with the remaining £6.26m passing to beneficiaries of the Will. In the new Budget a gift of £1m must be made to charity leaving an estate of £9m. If this sum had been given before the Budget the resulting tax payment would be £3.34m following the Budget it is reduced to £3.006m a saving of £334,000. The beneficiaries inherit £5.334m.

My Thoughts

I’m not sure how much headline this small change will create. In practice, it would be difficult to be specific about specific amounts of money given to charity as the estate would need to be valued at the date of death, so using the first example, if you had decided to leave your favourite charity £80,000 this may not actually be 10% of the estate. The value will fluctuate on a daily basis. So in order to take advantage of the new legislation you would actually need to amend your Will to make a provision to gift 10% of the net value of the estate to charity. This is perfectly possible to do, but of course may not take account of your family circumstances at the time. Only 1 in 7 people have a valid Will which in of course suggests that few people really plan ahead. So whilst, this is good news potentially for Charities, in practice unless you amend your Will few will see the benefit, unless you have already made a provision to give a sum that is probably substantially more than 10% of your estate. So if this is something that you wish to do (and remember IHT legislation does alter) you need to pay a visit to your Solicitor to review your Will. There is a guide to making a Will within the resources section of my website.
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Budget 2011: New IHT Rule2023-12-01T12:51:43+00:00

Budget Information

I will post a few of the key points that are more likely to be of interest to most clients as I digest the contents of the Chancellors Budget. Running at a mere 104 pages, you will appreciate that I have not yet uncovered all the detail. No doubt tonights news will have a fair amount to say, which will  probably merely reinforce views of the Coalition Government. I’m reminded that “we” often look for evidence to support our already formed opinion.
In truth, I have to admit that most Budgets sound fairly sensible – generally having an attempt at trying to grow the economy and improve society. The constant noise playground antics of the House of Commons does little to really leave us feeling that politicians are mature adults, but as individuals, most of us would probably admit that they do seem to be. I will do my best to get beneath the spin, I suspect that, as with most Budgets there is a significant amount of “moving the deckchairs around” let us hope that it is one that actually achieves some of the sentiments outlined – for all our sakes.
We are a boutique firm of financial planners. We create financial plans designed to achieve a desired lifestyle. We will craft and implement your plan that will provide you with the greatest chance of accomplishing your unique goals based upon the values that you hold. Financial products are little more than the tools to achieve your required results
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Budget Information2023-12-01T12:51:44+00:00

David Pointers Budget Summary

David Pointer of Open Tax Consultancy comments on today’s budget.
“Last year on taking office the Government agreed a new path for making changes to the tax code, to start the process a draft Finance Bill was published in December 2010 for consultation. We therefore already knew many of the Budget changes including some of the proposed allowances and tax rates for income tax and corporation tax”.
David went on to say that new headlines as the Chancellor sat down included the reduction of corporation tax by 2% rather than 1% with effect from April followed by 1% reductions after that. Also the suggestion of a combination of income tax and national insurance into one tax, which is long overdue as is the introduction of a statutory residence test mentioned by Mr Osborne.
The Chancellor’s suggestion that the 50% rate of tax may have a limited life was welcome but received with a good spoonful of skepticism. A 10% discount on inheritance tax for people leaving 10% of their estate to charity is an interesting addition as is the cut in the tax on petrol which is now a huge burden on the household budget.
Moving forward the new Office of Tax Simplification is suggesting more wholesale changes to many areas of taxation including the taxation of small business and the future of small burdensome, outdated tax reliefs.
With the firm background need to balance the country’s books and address the dreaded deficit David added “I really believe we should expect further more regular announcements on perceived tax avoidance, continued reform of the corporate tax system which is now out of kilter with other taxes and perhaps headline grabbers -and vote winners – such as the higher taxation of UK non domiciled individuals”.
David Pointer is a tax specialist working in central London, he runs Open Tax Consultancy and helps high net worth clients with sophisticated tax compliance and planning needs. If it would be helpful to meet David then please get in touch.
We are a boutique firm of financial planners. We create financial plans designed to achieve a desired lifestyle. We will craft and implement your plan that will provide you with the greatest chance of accomplishing your unique goals based upon the values that you hold. Financial products are little more than the tools to achieve your required results
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David Pointers Budget Summary2023-12-01T12:51:45+00:00

Government Promise Red Tape Reduction

At last nights Mansion House dinner, Vince Cable discussed how the Government is keen to help small businesses by cutting the amount of red tape. He is reported in the Financial Times to have said:
“I confess to a certain exasperation with commentators and opposition politicians who, for reasons of ignorance, amnesia or mischief, assume away the past and expect that the Government can somehow guarantee an immediate, miraculous return to rapid economic growth through some all-encompassing plan. Developed economic markets cannot be made to grow like the Soviet Union.”
If you own your business, do let me know if you find any reduction in red tape.
We are a boutique firm of financial planners. We create financial plans designed to achieve a desired lifestyle. We will craft and implement your plan that will provide you with the greatest chance of accomplishing your unique goals based upon the values that you hold. Financial products are little more than the tools to achieve your required results
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Government Promise Red Tape Reduction2023-12-01T12:51:54+00:00

Revolution – could it happen here?

In the last 3 weeks we have all witnessed the revolutions occuring in the middle east. Out with the old and in with the new. In regions that have little experience of democracy this is a significant moment in their history.
Here in Britain, we take our democracy fairly lightly most of the time and indeed over the last couple of years our politicians have been found wanting.
The Budget is now set for 23rd March – 3 weeks time. The Budget has a significant impact on most of us – not just in terms of how much we spend filling up at the petrol station, but the wider social and econmic map that unfolds. The Chancellor is open to suggestions and representations as he and his team put together the Budget. You are invited to have your say.
I quote: “A Budget representation is a formal written representation from an interest group, individual or representative body to HM Treasury with the aim of commenting on Government policy and/or suggesting new policy. HM Treasury welcomes representations as part of the policy making process.”
You can make your representation by clicking the link here to HM Treasury…. I wonder if you could start a revolution? let me know if you decide to have your say.
We are a boutique firm of financial planners. We create financial plans designed to achieve a desired lifestyle. We will craft and implement your plan that will provide you with the greatest chance of accomplishing your unique goals based upon the values that you hold. Financial products are little more than the tools to achieve your required results
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Revolution – could it happen here?2023-12-01T12:51:56+00:00
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