In the last 3 weeks we have all witnessed the revolutions occuring in the middle east. Out with the old and in with the new. In regions that have little experience of democracy this is a significant moment in their history.
Here in Britain, we take our democracy fairly lightly most of the time and indeed over the last couple of years our politicians have been found wanting.
The Budget is now set for 23rd March – 3 weeks time. The Budget has a significant impact on most of us – not just in terms of how much we spend filling up at the petrol station, but the wider social and econmic map that unfolds. The Chancellor is open to suggestions and representations as he and his team put together the Budget. You are invited to have your say.
I quote: “A Budget representation is a formal written representation from an interest group, individual or representative body to HM Treasury with the aim of commenting on Government policy and/or suggesting new policy. HM Treasury welcomes representations as part of the policy making process.”
You can make your representation by clicking the link here to HM Treasury…. I wonder if you could start a revolution? let me know if you decide to have your say.
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