what we do

what we do

We are seeking long-term client relationships, built upon mutual trust, enabling us to provide a valuable bespoke service. We want to work in tandem with you and enable you to have the best chance of achieving your goals.

Ready for the truth?

Most people are not ready for the truth, but then we don’t work with most people. We provide an exclusive service for people who want to live life fully. We exist to help you to identify what is important to you and to enable you to achieve the lifestyle that you want. We do this by paying attention, and listening to what it is that you really want. We will not do anything else until we have a very clear idea about who you are, what your journey has been and where you want to end up. When done well, proper financial planning is akin to a light bulb moment or a bit of an epiphany. In essence as financial planners, we address the fundamental question that clients ask (even when it isn’t verbalised)… will I run out of money? We believe that you need to know the truth, for which there are only three possibilities:

Working together

Together we will create your unique Financial Plan which will act as a working document reflecting the essence of what is truly important to you. This will effectively act as our mutual guide upon which all future financial decisions are based, so our attention to your detail is vital.

We help clients achieve deeply held goals, not merely time-barred objectives; achieving peace of mind, a generous spirit and recognition that security is not based upon wealth. A sense of emotional well-being can be enhanced with financial planning that is rooted in understanding your values and life principles. So we start with the end in mind.

Design, implement, review

We will implement the Plan and agree how best to review progress. Our stress-free process typically takes 3 years to fully craft, implement, review and imbed your Plan.

We will work with your other advisers and perhaps other experts to ensure that any actions taken are in accordance with your long-term aims, rather than purely seeking short-term advantage which may run counter-productive to your real goals. We will provide you with the necessary support to make difficult decisions and will not avoid providing you with an accurate evaluation.

The six stages of financial planning

The more we understand about what motivates you and your value system, the better our advice. As with any healthy relationship, in time more and more of the inner person is revealed – much like the nature of a fine wine.



There is no fast-track to this degree of understanding, it only comes from the most valuable commodity of all – time. We will help identify, clarify and prioritise your goals.



We all have a collection of financial baggage. We will locate, verify, collate, analyse and explain what you already have. This provides the basis from which we can begin.



We will report back to you a clear assessment of your current position and assess how much you have already progressed towards your goals.



There is invariably more than one way to achieve your goals from where you are today. We will explore a range of options and provide a set of solutions that we believe are most likely to work best to form your Financial Plan.



Once we have determined what must be done, we will get everything in place so that getting started is as easy as possible.



We will review your progress and ensure that your Financial Plan is on track, making necessary adjustments where necessary. This will also ensure that your plan is not an academic exercise, but a living, working, relevant and practical report.