Ready for new peaks

Matt Loadwick 
Oct 2024  •  2 min read

Ready for new peaks

Joining a new business is always a significant life change; filled with anticipation and, of course, some anxiety. Having joined Solomon’s as a trainee financial planner, I’m looking to follow the path which Dan has successfully navigated, in switching professions for a career in financial planning.

A geography graduate from Newcastle University, my career to date has seen me specialise in transport and development planning, through which I sought to satisfy an innate desire to improve society; in this case by helping to make places and spaces better for the people who use them.

Undertaking what is a fairly sharp turn in my career, it would be fair to say that the levels of excitement, anticipation, and yes, anxiety, were amplified. However, my experience so far has been fantastic, thanks to the warm welcome I have received and the generous support provided daily by each of my new colleagues. From day one, the team at Solomon’s has ensured that I am integrated into the company culture; encouraging me to share my insights in team meetings, whilst always being there to help with any questions, of which there have been many at this stage!

A little about me; a proud northerner and good listener who likes to connect with people, my motivation for starting a new career in the financial services industry stems from seeking opportunity to make better use of my people skills; to help individuals realise their life goals through financial guidance, and to further increase my breadth of knowledge – all things I am really looking forward to.

I was born and raised in Poynton, a small town located just outside of Manchester, on the edge of the Peak District National Park. Growing up there inspired my love of hiking and cycling in the countryside; undoubtedly had some influence over my love of alternative rock and indie music (for which Manchester is a real wellspring); and is also reflected in my favourite sports teams – Sale Sharks RUFC, Stockport County and Manchester City (before the oil money made them “everyone’s favourite team to hate”).

Since joining the firm, I’ve had the chance to see first-hand the positive impact that good financial advice can have on the lives of our clients at a variety of key life stages. The initial learning curve has been steep, but rewarding, as I do my best to soak in as much as possible from the incredibly knowledgeable team here. It’s a process I’m thoroughly enjoying. I’m eager to build my knowledge and skills further to grow within this fantastic team, and ultimately contribute to helping our clients achieve their life goals.

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Cold Feet

Cold Feet

Perhaps you have been watching the new series of Cold Feet. The original series began in 1997 – some 20 years ago and ran until 2003. It was revived last year. Originally a series about three thirtysomething couples living in Manchester, we have seen the usual plethora of “dramatic” storylines. Any significant exploration of characters or plot reveals a number of gaping holes and sadly even in the decade or so of a break, the writers have continued to fail to redeem themselves.

The Hapless David

David Marsden, the character played by Robert Bathurst has had to contend with a fair amount of turmoil in his life. Now, two marriages, various affairs and of no fixed abode later, his already somewhat questionable career (from anything believable) has now developed into that of Independent Financial Adviser.

Financial Planning for the Filthy Rich

In the latest series (7) we have seen Mr Marsden provide a presentation to a collection Manchester’s wealthy women, held in the plush executive home of Nikki Kirkbright, with Champagne freely flowing and perhaps more like an Anne Summers party, he proceeds to rename his “talk” financial planning for the filthy rich.  David meets with Nikki who clearly wishes to keep the matter from her husband who returns home and results in David being asked to leave quickly to avoid meeting him. The latest episode had David meeting discreetly with Nikki, a meeting which he claims he has all the forms for the Unit Trusts. Her husband finds out and has David collected for a “meeting”.

David wouldn’t be an “Approved Person”

I don’t really know where to begin with this, save that David would not be a financial adviser having been arrested, charged and imprisoned for fraud – for his arrangement of what can only be unregulated investments whilst working for a firm that clearly are equally as inept at understanding financial regulation. His firm leaves him to “hang out to dry” and of course David attempts to pass the buck and record his boss admitting liability. His only obvious punishment is that at the start of series 7 he is to be found visiting very elderly ladies and encouraging them to sign application forms to release equity from their home or buy life assurance.

David Marsden is without shame, without qualification and frankly without any credibility. Someone in the writing team must have had a rather bad experience, but has clearly allowed that experience to dictate terms that no further understanding of finance shall be permitted. David is utterly incompetent, totally untrustworthy and completely delusional.

Trust Me, I’m A….

Of course, misrepresentation on television is nothing new, (ask Doctors, Lawyers, Nurses, Teachers, Ministers, Police and anyone in the Armed forces) and yes, it’s just light-weight comedy-drama, designed to amuse, not inform. Fair enough. I’m more concerned at the continued lack of understanding of finance and whilst yes, these characters aren’t real, they really don’t help anyone improve their own understanding of financial services, but merely compound the problems with misinformation. Dont get me wrong, I quite enjoy the series, I simply wish that there was rather more credibility in the characters…. you can watch it here:

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

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