1 in a million (or rather 1 in 45 million!) 

Debbie Harris 
Sept 2023  •  2 min read

1 in a million (or rather 1 in 45 million!)

You are more likely to be struck by lightning or attacked by a shark than winning the jackpot on the National Lottery.

Playing the lottery can be a bit of fun, especially if you have a lucky number or a favorite game. Most participants enjoy the thrill of anticipation and the possibility of winning a huge jackpot (let’s face it, most of us have a good idea of what we’d do with our winnings!)

Here at Solomon’s, we are not party poopers and if the Lottery is your ‘dabble’ into the world of improbable dreams – then that’s all good … we’re only talking about £2.00 a week for a ticket after all.

But it IS our job to challenge your financial decisions and I wonder whether you have ever thought about the impact of doing something different with that £2.00 a week … ?

If you were to save it for 50 years and were to achieve a return of 5% per year – you would have more than £23,000 in your account at the end!

Most of our clients understand the power of compounding interest and are fully onboard with the nature of long-term investing, so this example probably comes as no particular surprise – but it just goes to show that ‘a little’ can become ‘a lot’ given time and proper attention (which is a big part of what we do for our clients at Solomon’s).

Of course, the National Lottery does support lots of charitable and community causes, so your £2.00 a week isn’t entirely ‘wasted’!

1 in a million (or rather 1 in 45 million!) 2023-12-01T12:12:28+00:00




You may have seen that an enormous record-breaking amount was recently won on the EuroMillions lottery. That would certainly help with the inflation on your utility bills!  It would seem that Joe and Jess Thwaite have picked up an oversized cheque for an oversized amount of £184,262,899.

Obviously suddenly winning a large sum of money is going to be life-changing despite what some may think, say or perhaps wish; there’s no doubt in my mind that life would change dramatically. The adjustment to sudden wealth is not easy. We see it in literature, history and contemporary culture. Few people are able to cope with the changes as well as they may have imagined.

I’m not convinced that it’s a good idea to even reveal in public that you have won. Life will certainly not be able to continue as it was. I don’t mean just the jobs that winners had, but many of their relationships will be altered.

Winning a large amount of money will provide a very large number of choices. Things that yesterday seemed very relevant are suddenly surpassed by a plethora of options. These, as ever, are reduced to spending, giving, saving and investing. How would YOU use £184m? As a financial planner, it’s a bit of fun to work out strategies for what could be achieved within the added complexity of tax rules and allowances.

It’s nice to dream a little about this sort of choice, but I suspect that you and I will not have the problem that the Thwaites’ now face. It’s unlikely that you’ll be worrying about the colour of your Learjet or your third Ferrari. There are countless luxury brands that would be all too keen to swap trinkets and toys for cash.

Yet we all have choices about how to use the funds that we DO have. In comparison to most of the world, here in the UK most of the population are ‘rich’. Our choices, however insignificant they may seem, are likely to be envied by billions of people around the world. We may bemoan the standard of service, waiting times or general ineptitude we receive from various organisations, but we are in fact rather lucky to be living at a point in history when we can do so.

The truth is that we all have choices about how we spend, give, save and invest, though it may not feel like we do because living in the UK is expensive. The average house in the UK was £278,000 in March 2022 according to the ONS, up 9.8% over 12 months (but slowing). London averages are an awful lot higher than this … and if you google SW20 8BT you will see that the approximate price of a residential property in Edna Road (where our office is currently located), is about three times the national average!

Our choices are therefore often governed by our location.  We have clients around the country and it is remarkable just how differently property is valued. Many have to live and work in a specific area, some do so to maintain relationships more easily, there’s a plethora of reasons, but these are choices.  Whilst you and I may never have the choice of how to use £184m, we do get to make choices each day. Money should serve, not be served; so to my mind – how it is used, deployed and shared, is rather more important than the toys I can buy with it, as nice as some of them may be.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email info@solomonsifa.co.uk


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The Old Mill Cobham Park Road, COBHAM Surrey, KT11 3NE

Email – info@solomonsifa.co.uk 
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Solomon’s Independent Financial Advisers
The Old Mill Cobham Park Road, COBHAM Surrey, KT11 3NE

Email – info@solomonsifa.co.uk    Call – 020 8542 8084


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WINNING TICKET2023-12-01T12:12:49+00:00

Be Careful What You Wish For..

Be Careful What You Wish For…

I wonder if you have ever thought about how you would live life if you won the lottery. Probably most of us have given this a moment’s thought at some point. Our society seems to hang on the belief that money makes everything better. The Financial services industry be unrecognisable if there wasn’t an underlying message that money is the answer to pretty much every question. Of course, money can make life better and we certainly need it. As you will often hear me say, money provides choices.

Trust No.1

Enter Dave Dawes who won £101 million with the Euro Millions draw in 2011. A truly life altering amount of money that most of us will never experience – thankfully. Anyone suddenly gaining “wealth” is always going to struggle with the consequences, the most fundamental being – a suspicion of pretty much everyone. So, it follows that the worst thing you can do is agree to a press conference about your newfound fortune, which is of course what the lottery organiser wants a winner to do.

Forget Fair

Most people have money struggles, not necessarily lacking money, but most have some “baggage” and everyone has an opinion. It is obvious that life is not fair and money is merely one example of it. Yet increasingly there is a belief of entitlement. Anyone with a modicum of common sense understand that wealth is invariably not earned and never earned single-handedly. The best entrepreneurs freely acknowledge the help of others. Inherited wealth is not earned by the recipient. The entrepreneur may well be some sort of genius, but it’s also partly luck – with their genes, health, education, family, connections, geography, ethnicity and so on – sure, probably worked hard… but acknowledge the good fortune as well. It ought to be plainly obvious that being rich has nothing to do with being a “nice” or “good” person and frankly it doesn’t have anything to do with how hard you “work”. It is virtually irrelevant.

Hero or Villain?

Clearly we have some cultural confusion about money as well. Robin Hood, Dick Turpin, The Great Bank Robbery…. all thieves, yet for many are held in high regard as bringing about some sort of fairness by taking from “the rich”. As we enter the general election wars of empy words, expect more of the same. A more interesting point of view about our love of pirates is shared by Kester Brewin in his book “Mutiny” which is worth a read.

When someone wins money, various “journalists” will do their very best to work a story one of two ways – either the person is really “nice” and “deserves” it, or isn’t and doesn’t. I get the sense that Mr Dawes has experienced life in the media as the latter – and of course we simply do not know the truth. The revelation that Mr Dawes’ adult son Michael felt that his father should give him rather more after he spent all of the £1.6m already given to him, resulted in a court becoming involved. Michael clearly had expectations about his inheritance or support due to his father’s wealth. He quit his job and (it is reported) enjoyed a lifestyle costing around £25,000 a month. Mr Dawes felt that his son had received quite enough. The judge in the case recently ruled against Michael who had been pressing for lifetime financial support. The relationships are evidently in tatters. It turns out that Dave Dawes actually gave away a lot of money to family and friends, but the amount was quickly overlooked by the proportion in the case of his son. I wonder how differently things may have been if he had “only” won a million?

Yet, whilst this is news (the court ruling was yesterday). It is about as old a tale as there is. The prodigal son springs to mind, at least with some similarities. Money, for all the good it can do, can also create tremendous damage. As the numbers get larger, the walls tend to get higher. Money is not evil, but its lack or abundance can certainly create the appearance of it.

A financial planning conversation is designed to reveal what you really want from life. Money is part of the conversation, but this is an opportunity for you to reflect on your values and what is genuinely important to you – whether you have a lot or a little. Importantly, we will help ensure that you do not live beyond your means, there is not a limitless supply. Only your imagination is limitless.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email info@solomonsifa.co.uk

Be Careful What You Wish For..2023-12-01T12:18:32+00:00
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