Customer service

Jemima Thomas
March 2023  •  5 min read

One man’s ”great customer service” is another man’s irritation and pet peeve…

I got my hair cut two weeks ago. I have thinning hair (no I am not a middle-aged man!), and so being sat in a chair where my hairdresser took his time and energy giving me pointers and really understanding my hair-care needs was perfect! However, I was sat waiting for my appointment for 20 minutes, as the customer before me was still wanting further touches to be done, and he didn’t want to rush her out the door (at no point did he mention he had another customer waiting). On the one hand, this was completely understandable, and kudos to him wanting to take his time to ensure his customer wasn’t leaving the salon miffed. My hair may now look chic and bouncy again, but his lack of punctuality means I unfortunately won’t be returning.

I appreciate this may make me sound incredibly impatient and rude, but this customer service style (excuse the pun) didn’t suit my needs. I have things to do, I want to be in and out with a haircut I value in both in how I feel, and how much I am spending, without it taking up my entire day.

We regularly urge our clients to give us as much detail as possible when it comes to their lifestyle and finances; it’s the only way we can create a suitable plan that fits their needs. We ensure we’ll always give you plenty of time for lengthy conversations during your meetings; and much like the hairdresser I saw, we don’t want anyone to feel as though they’re on a conveyor belt being rushed out the door. That being said, one man’s ‘’great customer service’’, is another man’s irritation and pet peeve. As clients of ours, I urge you to voice your needs and we will do our very best to tailor our service to meet them. The importance of this is to ensure we create a bespoke experience for you, that leaves you feeling like you cannot wait to see us again for your next ‘appointment’.

For those of you who feel this post doesn’t apply (as you can’t help but sing our praises already!), please take the time to give us a Google review if you have a few minutes to spare.