New start

Dominic Thomas
August 2024  •  2 min read

New start?

Do I dare ‘get political’ and risk offending you? Assuming you have pretty thick skin and are not easily offended … I’m going to proceed.  I’m rather glad to see the back of the last Government. I appreciate that many people believe the narrative that Conservative governments are good at managing the national finances and Labour governments are not, however I don’t see any evidence to support this over the last 14 years or so.

In practice we saw a Conservative government launch a half-baked referendum on leaving the EU and ending our working relationship. Sure the EU has its faults, but not a single proponent had any real idea or plan for non-membership other than some rather Victorian notions of empire. I’m not sure that anyone could be worse than the collection of PMs that we have had over the last 14 years, who largely seem to be self-serving and unable to convey any vision.

So we have a new PM and Chancellor, the first female Chancellor in English history. It’s probably fair to say that this Labour leadership are right-leaning centrists and appear eager to reassure the public that they can handle our finances wisely, with economic growth being obviously important. We will see how this shapes up in practice.

Public spending can only really happen with public money, which is of course taxation and loans (Government debt). It is of course divisive political opinion about whether Government debt used to fund public spending creates wealth. On the one hand, better infrastructure and a healthy, educated workforce generate the conditions for growth and therefore more tax collected; on the other hand, debt needs to be repaid and the matter of how much and how quickly is of course the domain of spin doctors to suit your chosen narrative. Practically, we know on a personal level that spending more than you earn and building debt isn’t a great idea, but then this is public money – personal overspending is generally about consumption not investment into the hardwiring of our system (which is quite a different matter).

The truth is that life and politics are nuanced. Rarely is anything simple or either/or. All of us now have a refreshed understanding of inflation and for me, this is probably the more important element of the economics. Every year brings new challenges and we are undoubtedly at a watershed moment in technological advancement, perhaps the degree of change is as it ever was – overestimated in the short term with its impact underestimated in the long term.

We shall see how Mr Starmer handles the pressure compared to his predecessors.

New start2024-08-02T17:28:14+01:00

More thoughts on Brexit

More thoughts on Brexit

I have spoken to a number of clients, all of whom expressed great sadness at the outcome of the EU referendum. I’m sure that some of our clients voted to leave for very good reasons (such as the EU being a huge bureaucracy that seems unwilling to change its ways). If you could cut through the bile of the media and politicians, then there was a debate to be had. Sadly, many are ill-informed about the actual issues, facts, experts, historical context and any sense of idea about what the impact really might be.

Many are still deeply distressed about the result, because it feels wrong. It feels as though something has been stolen from us all. Our nation, which is one of the most tolerant and safest places for anyone to live, has appeared to give the impression that we simply don’t care about others any more. We have had enough… “we want to take our country back”.

I am one of those that is deeply angry. At times, I have lost the internal conflict and said some things which probably doesn’t help. I apologise. I have been fed up that most of the commentary within my sector is written by white men, who are fairly wealthy and have little experience of racism in person and because they don’t see it, assume its not very bad.

Another stereotype – give me a badge

I am deeply concerned about the way that the far right appear to have been given permission to behave in a manner which feels like a threat to the core of this country, or what I think this country is. I have watched and read in dismay at stories and videos of some horrible incidents. There is an air of menace, interrogation and intimidation. As a large, bald, white male, sadly I appear to match the general stereotype of a thug. I feel the need to wear a badge that says the equivalent of “I didn’t vote for this, I don’t want you to leave, you are safe with me”. What I still fail to understand is why so few seem so unwilling to recognise that this was always the likely outcome. People that I respect and admire greatly, of all creeds and ethnicity.

I know full well that Westminster has condemned racist acts in the past, and did so again yesterday (Monday) but to be blunt, lots of white middle class men (largely) invariably move their lips to a soundtrack that seems at odds with their actions. However “good” a Prime Minister David Cameron has been (which is of course subjective) he was the one that agreed to run the referendum and its result has created this deep state of unease.

We have clients from all backgrounds. We have friends, colleagues and neighbours. Many are deeply worried for their future because of the newfound “courage” that fascists have been handed with a vote to “leave” for which they read – tell everyone to go (it seems). We have to stand up against this, not afterwards, but in the moment, during. If that is a frightening prospect, well that’s the practice of standing in another’s shoes and what it means to stand against racism.

Yes there is a reason…

I understand that most of these people are poor, often poorly educated, a product of their circumstances and if they are constantly told that they are worthless they tend to believe that lie until someone else, proclaiming nationalistic values, provides a form of antidote with a sense of identity. However this is no excuse, just an explanation.

So however you voted, the reasons why those of us that voted “remain” were invariably beyond the mere numbers of costs, economics and bureaucracy. We know that immigration needs careful controlling, we know that integration could and should be far better than it is. But we also know that we are all lucky to be born here, which is all it is, a random roll of the dice.

Business is more than money, its also community

Perhaps this is not the place to talk about “my feelings” after all, I run a business designed to serve you to make better financial decisions. However to be candid again, the financial planning I do, that works best is all about personal values – yours (and mine) and invariably the money is the least important bit. If my job is simply to protect your wealth, then frankly this is also a part of that.

and here is an oldie… The Power of One.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

More thoughts on Brexit2023-12-01T12:19:08+00:00

Brexit – Some Thoughts

Brexit – Some Thoughts

I am conscious that this is a highly sensitive subject. I have to acknowledge that 52% of voters that voted, elected to leave the EU – at least that is what is being claimed. I am rather less inclined to believe this to be a thorough explanation.

I will declare that I voted to remain, not because I think the EU is perfect, but to use a metaphor, if I’m not entirely happy about what happens in my street, leaving it solves my experience but not the problem and should I want to discuss access to the road again, I don’t really expect much of a welcome, in fact they are likely to make it a toll road and my choice will forever be yes or no, but never “what if we did it this way…”

As we all know, there was and continues to be a lot of heated exchange. It is certainly possible that the UK can exist outside of the EU and trade as “normal”. However many seem to have forgotten that the UK, (if indeed it can still be called that within a few months) has a population problem, but not the one being discussed. The problem is longevity.

Thankfully due to our rather excellent health service, most of us are living longer. This is a good thing, reflecting our progress as a society. Of course this also means that more people are alive to draw a State pension and are alive longer to draw on support from family and State. The demographics of the nation by all calculations mean that there is more pressure on the State to find the money for this ongoing “support”. Unfortunately, the ratio of people in retirement to those not yet retired is shifting, considerably. The bulk of pensioners do not have high incomes and the State pension is effectively tax free due to the personal allowance.

Its not enough…

In practice those pensions are paid for by current taxation, not historic taxation, which was merely the “membership fee”. The bulk of tax is paid from income tax raised each year. We need more people to earn money to pay tax to provide for the “system”. Indeed HMRC collected £533bn in taxes of all types for 2015/16. The highest amount ever, yet still not enough. For the record about 54% is from income tax, 19% from VAT (that nasty European idea) and 11% from corporation. In short 84% from direct taxes. If you wish to see the latest HMRC report spanning back to 1980 click here.

Not enough being born

The UK birth rate is in decline. It has fallen from 2.93 per woman in 1963 to about 1.90. This is historically how we have sustained the nation. Tracking this forwards, combined with people living longer merely confirms what I have stated. There are fewer people of working age to provide for those that are not. (click here for evidence).

Not enough jobs, yet low unemployment…

Those wanting jobs now have to compete in an increasingly global economy, unless of course it is something very bespoke or crafted locally. The technological revolution has barely started, more service and manufacturing jobs are being “automated”… whether it’s the booking of flights, paying for your groceries, renewing your tax disc, banking or calling to complain. Certainly there are new jobs and roles, but in a world where tax rates and regimes vary, we clearly value convenience and low prices over jobs and “fair” (please let’s just call it “appropriate”) taxes – I’m thinking Amazon. Ironically, the UK has just recorded its lowest level of unemployment for some time at 5.1%, the lowest since the credit crunch, which in turn was the lowest since about 1977. Click here for evidence.

All creatures great and small…

On Thursday the UK voted to end its relationship with its main and nearest trading partner. The equivalent of all those market towns that used to have an exchange, now amalgamated in London. The world is a big place, but just as we like the convenience of Amazon, so do nations like the certainty of trade agreements and low prices. The advantage of the EU is that trade prices are thought of collectively, negotiating as a block for a better deal, not the cheapest deal.

You may disagree with me, you may find many faults with the EU (who doesn’t) but what is clear is that few people really voted from a position of knowledge, but rather prejudice (anti- big brother) or simply feeling disconnected with the establishment, on the wrong end of every “good deal” and clearly do not believe that we are all in it together. I understand this to be more of a protest vote against cuts and austerity, which I fear politicians will continue to ignore the cries of people that have become so desperate that they voted for the equivalent of selling your home, buying another without first reading the contract or having a survey done – let alone agreeing the mortgage. Buyer’s remorse is inevitable.

A problem aired is a problem shared?

Yes we could simply “get on with it” but as yet nobody wishes to be remembered as the person that took the action that is likely to result in not simply the severance from the EU but also the end of the United Kingdom. There is another alternative – that of acknowledging that both sides are actually “right” or at least make some fair points. So perhaps, there is an opportunity to get all these frustrations (not just British ones) out on the table, to properly reform, thoughtfully and respectfully. I admit this is a more unlikely scenario as I attempt to find a silver-lining and a ray of hopefulness.

Of course the EU isn’t perfect – neither is Westminster

I’m sure there are lots of examples of bad EU laws, but I am not informed enough to know them all – are you?  I, like many others did sign up for and support Hugh’s Fish Fight. I do know there are plenty of sensible ones. I do know that simply counting laws is no fair or sensible way to assess them. The House of Commons Library attempted to do so and found that between 1993 and 2014 about 13% of laws relate to EU obligations or implementation of them. Again, unclear about whether they are good or “bad”.

I can’t see you….. really?

Yet here we are. A nation now blaming each other and looking terribly unfriendly to anyone that isn’t white “or from these parts”. Yes I know not all Brexit voters are racist, I doubt many are, (not all are white either) but whether you like it or not, we need “new blood” to help our economy by running services, building businesses, creating jobs and paying taxes.  Sadly, no, alarmingly the result of this vote has emboldened those with racist views, which we must now all face down in person, not merely in words. The degree of tension is palpable and this is not the Britain that any of us wanted. I hope.

Lasting security is not a high wire fence

However, all these problems are not exclusive to the UK. Indeed most of the EU has precisely the same problems of longevity and poor levels of saving with high dependence on the State. Arguably they have worse problems and likely to merely exaggerate problems. However the way to reduce envy and create greater security is to help your neighbour prosper, not collapse.

Of course, Mr Shakespeare would have seen this as very good material….. oh he did.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

Brexit – Some Thoughts2023-12-01T12:19:08+00:00

A Day of Infamy – Alex Massie

A Day of Infamy – Alex Massie

Like any normal person, I was appalled by the murder of one of our politicians, Jo Cox, yesterday. I came across a very good piece online by Alex Massie, writing in The Spectator on this subject which he wrote yesterday. I’m not an expert in copyright and have no desire to plagiarise his content, but would simply encourage you to read it if you can.

He writes movingly and powerfully about the way the EU referendum has impacted us all. Whichever side of the debate you are on, this is one piece that is perhaps most sobering of all.

You can read the full article by clicking here.

Oh – the image I used is from the cover of 6th June, not the current one.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

A Day of Infamy – Alex Massie2023-12-01T12:19:09+00:00

The Internal Fight and Behavioural Finance

The Internal Fight and Behavioural Finance

There has been lots written in recent years about behavioural finance, in a nutshell this seeks to understand the reasons why investors (private and professional) behave the way they do, when invariably this produces very poor results. We all (hopefully) know that when it comes to investing you aim to buy low and sell high, of course this is not easy, particular in a world overloaded with information and noise. The struggle most investors have is essentially with themselves.

Perhaps this tension is reflected in recent films. There is a branch of investment theory that believes in looking for social signs that provide an investment advantage. Some take the hem line of dresses to reflect the direction of shares, the number of goals, the types of films… all essentially on the belief that more general “confidence” or lack of are displayed. Of course most theories hold a modicum of truth to even raise your attention, but as a long-term process, invariably amount to little more than highly spurious claims.

Over-confidence and Bad Behaviour?

Yet investors continue to display habits that are costly, panic and over confidence being two key elements. Investors find it very difficult to be dispassionate about their money, most believing that they are equipped sufficiently with common sense, market information of plain “insight” that provides advantage. The truth is rather different.

If you are persuaded that the big blockbuster movies are any indication of current sentiments, then perhaps the action-hero genre is worth consideration. As opposed to the usual theme of saving the world with the “good guy” we are presented with “Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice”, “Deadpool”, “Captain America: Civil War” and “Suicide Squad”. All reflecting concern about the assumptions we make about heroes and those we empower. Indeed also examining the conflict between friends, allies and team-mates when they disagree over the degree of Machiavellian behaviour required – ends justifying the means. Of course the deeper reflection is that we are ourselves each character, at war with ourselves. Something investors would do well to remember in the heat of trouble and why a rational, dispassionate, long-term, evidence based, sustainable investment approach is what we believe will ultimately protect and serve.

I’m hoping to put some posts together about the basics of behavioural finance, but in the meantime if you are struggling to see the enemy within, perhaps a trip to the movies may be helpful. Of course one might make the case that the current political backdrop and decisions being posed to us here in the UK are also reflected in film. We shall see quite how sensationalist, nationalistic and competitive our media become over the summer, an EU referendum, US Presidential campaign and ample national sporting events.

Here’s the trailer for the latest Captain America film “Civil War”. The Marvel franchise is very much alive to the complexity of character.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

The Internal Fight and Behavioural Finance2023-12-01T12:19:14+00:00
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