Investing: What are ETFs?

Investing: What are ETFs?

An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is one of a number of financial products or “instruments” which are better described as ETPs – Exchange Traded Products. In very simple terms, it is an investment that can be traded in pretty much the same way on any world stock market. They are relatively new (beginning life in 1993) but are growing in popularity.

Low cost and transparent

The main advantage of an ETP is that they are often very low-cost and transparent, particularly as the total cost of ownership is very clear. As we know, there are very few things that we can control in the investment world – but cost is one that we can exercise some degree of control over. We cannot control markets (at least not legally!) and whilst use strategies to take account of what is going on in the world, I believe that attempting to time investments to produce superior returns is pretty much beyond everyone. Admittedly it looks very easy in hindsight, but the truth is rather different and knowing when to get out is easier than knowing when to get back in…. and both decisions need to be made. Low cost is not the same as “cheap and nasty” and more than high cost is the same as quality. Cost of ownership is one of many aspects that we consider for our clients.

Focus which enables diversity

So an ETP offers a low-cost approach to accessing markets. In addition they can also provide tremendous focus. If you really want to invest in something specific an ETP will invariably have a solution. Arguably an ETP “democratizes” investing, making is just as cost-effective to invest £100 as £1m. However there are some snags.

Evolving market – teething troubles

Firstly, an ETP doesn’t have the advantage of the FSCS  (compensation scheme) behind it. Frankly that may not bother you as one can make the argument that the such protection is paper-thin in the event of a serious global meltdown. Secondly as a “security” an ETP is traded, often via a stockbroker, which means dealing costs. If the amount is large enough, then this can be an insignificant sum, but clearly it’s not for those that invest modest amounts each month or trade frequently with small sums. Many ETPs are priced in non-sterling currencies, such as the dollar, thus exposing you to increased currency risk. Finally accessibility is still limited, of course I can find the best way for you to access ETFs and resolve these snags, but the choice of providers that genuinely offer trading facilities and best execution practice is fairly small – this is an evolving market. Once these costs are included, often an ETP can be more expensive than a good low-cost Unit Trust or OEIC – which have more “protection”. So I would argue that for all but a few, the main appeal at present remains the ability to use highly specific investment strategies to add value to your portfolio. Essentially this comes down to your investment experience and requirements – which ought to serve your goals, not simply a different investment experience.

However, I want to make it very clear that ETPs can make a lot of sense for the right investor and something that we are able and willing to use appropriately, after all this is part of being independent and being able to access the entire market for solutions.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

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Investing: What are ETFs?2025-01-21T15:54:47+00:00

Pensions: Are you an Equitable Life policyholder?

Solomons-financial-advisor-wimbledon-bloggerAre you an Equitable Life policyholder?


Protest by EMAG October 2012

One of the larger financial messes in the last 20 years has been the failure of Equitable Life. This was a company that essentially said they didn’t deal with “middlemen” (meaning IFAs) which in practice enabled them to also say that they did not pay commission to independent financial advisers, so despite being nothing more than a product manufacturer, managed to persuade many people that this was somehow better than an IFA being able to select from the entire market and select an appropriate arrangement. As a mutual society, they could also claim not to have shareholders (who require returns). Of course in practice, like any organisation, mutual or Plc, they have operating costs – their staff and advisers who sold, sorry “arranged” policies.  It was evident to some in the mid-1990’s that Equitable simply wasn’t a sustainable business. As you may imagine there were not many IFAs that couldn’t control the sniggers once Equitable was forced to close to new business in December 2000. As yet I haven’t met a single adviser that doesn’t believe that the demise of Equitable Life has had a significant impact on the degree of mistrust of financial institutions. This seems to have been compounded by the delays in appropriate compensation to policyholders. Despite failure, the company survives to service its estimated 500,000 policyholders with around £8bn of funds being managed (Equitable has been around for 253 years).

The Big Broken Promise

However the demise was nothing to do with product charges, commission (or lack of it). In practice it was triggered by failing to keep a simple but expensive promise of guaranteed annuity rates, on which it reneged and was subsequently brought to book, which then resulted in the collapse as the annuity rates were rather  more than “over generous” at the time. Anyway, long sad story short, the time to apply for compensation due to the “government maladministration which ocurred in the the regulation of Equitable Life” which was established  in 2010 is drawing to a close. Despite paying very large sums, there are still many people that haven’t claimed and should do so as a matter of priority. This is relevant to people that bought policies between 1992 and the end of 2000 when Equitable closed. Call the helpline on 0300 0200 150 and checkout the supporting website. Also dont forget the EMAG site as well.

Space travel has significant risks

Looking at old Equitable adverts now is a reminder that assurances about the future were somewhat misplaced. Saying something with confidence does not make it true. Even this 1998 advert with Buzz Aldrin suggests that retirement activities might include a space trip by 2028… well who knows, but certainly the belief that you can get something for nothing is definitely thinking from a different planet and those policyholders that have not yet had compensation, probably feel that their pension shouldn’t really be rocket science, but something much more down to earth.

Dominic Thomas

Pensions: Are you an Equitable Life policyholder?2023-12-01T12:40:12+00:00
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