The State Pension is changing…. again!
Like anyone else I am rather fed up with the constant tinkering and general messing around with pensions, in particular the State pension. It seems to me that it isn’t so much that the goalposts are regularly moved, but more that you don’t know whether the game requires, a ball, bat, horse or car. I came across a rather good succinct short video by financial journalist Sarah Pennells. I see no reason to reinvent the wheel when someone else puts all you need to know concisely. Sarah runs a financial information website called www.savvywoman.co.uk which aims to help women in particular. It’s certainly worth checking out. Anyway here she is summarising the changes.
Your State Pension
It would be wise to obtain a State pension forecast if you can. You can do this by visiting the main website to obtain one.
Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA
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