ETF statistics from the LSE
Further to my recent post “What are ETFs” it is perhaps worth outlining the size and growing popularity of ETFs. The LSE (London Stock Exchange) publishes monthly data about various investments that it provides a trading function for.
The latest data (in the July 2015 LSE report) to the end of May 2015 shows that the UK is now the largest market for ETFs in Europe, with 32.7% market share. This beats the Germany (25.5%), France (13.4%), Italy (11.4%), Switzerland (8.5%) and Holland at 4.9% with the other European markets making up the rest. £22billion of trades were placed in June, representing around 302,000 individual trades (buy/sell). These sums are not insignificant and increasing each year, increasing 61% over the last 12 months.
We can explain the pro’s and con’s of ETFs for your portfolio and arrange your investments to suit your requirements and ability to cope with investment risk

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA
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