Are you protected online?
Today has been a fairly frustrating day with a few IT problems. Thankfully nothing too serious, but I paused to reflect on how frustrating a slow computer can be…. yet I’m old enough to remember a time when getting onto the internet was a major event, when loading software was more or less hardware (floppy disk drives) or even a tape casette loading for what now would seem like eternity. So despite my morning blues, I ought to be a little more grateful of the progress that has been made by everyone concerned.
When your IT doesn’t do what its meant to do, I tend to think of how I might improve things. The ability to access information securely, pretty much anywhere, anytime. It reminded me of a conversation with someone recently who isn’t keen on financial protection. I have some sympathy with this perspective – after all who likes insurance? (other than insurance companies). However when or if you need to make a claim you are pretty glad you have it. So I tried to think of a useful analogy… we were meeting online… so I asked if he had virus protection? yes – Do you back up your computer? yes – Why? because the disruption, stress and chaos caused without it isn’t worth comtemplating.
Precisely the reason why you’d have any form of financial protection, except the consequences are rather more severe than data loss. As I outlined last week, there are various forms of financial protection, getting the right cover is rather like getting the right virus software…. something that perhaps Mr Stark (Iron Man) in the latest Avengers movie (Age of Ultron) might also want to remember… mind you, I suspect his cover might have a few extra clauses given his occupation.