Game, (Re)Set & Match?

Debbie Harris 
July 2024  •  2 min read

Game, (Re)Set & Match?

It seemed rather fitting that on the day Solomon’s bid farewell to our office in SW20, Andy Murray bid a tearful farewell to the green grass of SW19 (not to mention it was also the day we had a changing of the guard in parliament … but that’s a blog for Dominic to write!)

I met Andy well over a decade ago (before he won the coveted Wimbledon championship trophy) and he was a really down to earth guy.  I was relieved to see that despite fame and fortune, during his post match interview after his foray into the doubles tournament with his brother Jamie, he seems to have retained that ‘average Joe’ attitude to life.

I wish him well for the future and I feel confident that he will remain in the public eye in the sport that he loves, but I actually wanted to talk to you about our office move to the leafy village of Cobham in Surrey.

As much as we loved our office in Raynes Park (it was the firm’s home for 17 years), we had started to outgrow it. And growth is a good thing! Our new space in Cobham is a wonderful place surrounded by nature and shrouded in the history of the area. You can read about ‘The Old Mill’ here.

Just like Mr Murray, it will take us a little time to adapt to new routines and arrange things so that the new office feels like ours, but it opens up new opportunities for us as a firm providing a more flexible space for us to be creative and productive.

As with all change – there is a feeling of having a ‘reset’ … it’s why I love Mondays so much (and the first page of a new notebook!). The team here don’t all necessarily agree with me about ‘the Monday thing’ but there is a freshness about starting something new – the novelty factor – that gives us an extra spring in our step and a little more focus.

We are hopeful that as we move forward in our new ‘home’, we will continue to do better and to challenge ourselves as we aim for excellence in everything we do for you.

We would love to welcome you to our new offices in the coming months – whether it’s for a meeting with one of our advisers or just for a coffee and a chat!

Game, (Re)Set & Match?2024-11-19T16:46:53+00:00

What is a bias when you have an ology?

Dominic Thomas
July 2024  •  3 min read

What is bias when you have an ology?

As ever, there are reminders and new lessons to be learned from any relocation. One of those that stays with me is our telecoms story. As you will appreciate, our business is heavily reliant upon the internet, or more accurately a fast broadband connection. This was a feature of the initial requirements for any new premises and in truth is probably true of most residential requirements as well.

Initial confirmation from the estate agent suggested that the broadband at The Old Mill was “fine”, after all the previous tenants had run their business successfully. When we checked this with the provider formerly known as Buzby or Beatie, I was rather alarmed to see pretty much the slowest speed available, the equivalent of a carrier pigeon in the modern age. This was verified online and over the phone. After numerous attempts, Debbie managed to track down someone a little more helpful who suggested that we read the serial number on the existing box. This suggested, rather contradictorily that we would be able to have a fast fibre connection.

Anyway, as you will likely have experienced, we were sent a boxed box with too many cables, which we dutifully plugged in and hey presto… nada! Not a thing. The lights were on but nobody home (yes, we did follow the instructions properly). So a somewhat exasperated Debbie calls our contact and after some trials and tests, concludes that there is a fault and an engineer is sent to investigate and hopefully resolve.

Our preparations were made in advance of moving in, thanks to what I hope is a good landlord relationship. On the Saturday morning that the engineer arrived, (promptly to his credit) my assumptions about what keys were needed we found wanting and I apologised for my faux pas and for wasting his time. In conversation he asked about the problem and suggested that it may be as simple as having the connecting cable in the wrong (cancelled) port (socket). I asked if it were that simple, why wouldn’t the team on the phone have suggested that to us. Rightly or wrongly, he told me that due to regulation from OFCOM, his company formerly known as BT Openreach were thought to be biased towards BT customers and that was why they are now known as Openreach. He said that he suspects that due to concerns about being construed as biased towards any of the different tech providers that make the boxes, handsets and hubs they steer clear of resolving specific problems to do with the hardware or expressing a view, for fear of being deemed biased.

I have no idea if this is really the case, but on the one hand it doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t accurate, as this is the perceived experience. As a result, an engineer will be dispatched to resolve a problem that could probably be fixed much more quickly over the phone, or at least, if not fixed, attempted and ruled out.

When I regained access to the new office, I did as he had instructed me and lo, there was light… purple light and a high-speed connection. In fact, our IT guy says that it’s the fastest he has seen.

The irony is that privatisation of Beatie was meant to usher in competition. Whilst at home you might have a few choices about your broadband, in practice a bloke with a typewriter could have tendered for our new office telecoms as BT were the only practical option for a high-speed connection. Has privatisation of telecoms really worked? I know we are all spending a lot on mobile phones and broadband along with all the associated apps and subscriptions, but there are many times when I am not convinced that we have a more competitive market are you?

What is a bias when you have an ology?2024-07-14T13:50:01+01:00

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Jemima Thomas
June 2023  •  3 min read

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

There are so many things about moving house that I loathe; but one of the biggest is ‘the admin’ … changing personal banking details, setting up new accounts, changing names on bills, being on hold to a new broadband service, contacting the DVLA and ordering a new driving licence etc.

For the past four years I’ve been living in London and have become accustomed to moving roughly once a year due to landlords hiking rents or wanting to sell their property; or simply moving elsewhere due to problems that have occurred in the property – in the past I have shared various rental homes with bats, rats, and mice … so I think it’s understandable that I have needed to move so often (despite my loathing of the process)!

Last weekend I moved into a basement flat with my partner, and although having years of experience as a renter (with really good checklists in place that have been created due to problems in the past causing huge stress!), it still ended up being less than idyllic when I thought it would be a breeze, having done this so many times before.

I am fully aware that the majority of you will not have to experience such problems; many of you have lived in the same property for many years; but ensuring that your details are kept up to date is still absolutely vital (for you and us).

We want to remind you about the 10-minute challenge series on our website, something we created during lockdown when it became apparent that many of our clients don’t know where certain important documents are stored.  We simply want to help you ensure that whatever you are trying to do or find is made that much easier and less stressful, because you have good record-keeping systems in place.  We don’t want ‘future you’ to endure the struggle of some relatively basic tasks; being organised about this is key.

I would encourage you to set some time aside to prepare well for whatever life scenarios you can think of that might require decent and advanced planning … fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail2023-12-01T12:12:31+00:00
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