Lean on Pete

Lean on Pete
There has been a variety of research conducted about child poverty in Britain, regrettably I find it hard to decipher the politicisation of interpretations of the results of such reports. Lean on Pete is a fresh look, perhaps a more comfortable one, as it is set at a “safe distance” against the backdrop of the world’s most wealthy nation – the United States. Of course, we all know that many of the issues are pertinent in any developed nation.
The film centres around a Charley, (Charlie Plummer) who lives with his father Ray in what can only be described as poverty. The story unfolds how even someone with very little still has much to lose. He encounters some degree of encouragement in the form Del, (Steve Buscemi) a horse owner/trainer whose own version of coping with a life that hasn’t worked out as planned, compromises the security of all that he has. Some would say “desperate times call for desperate measures” yet when this is more likely to harm your own well-being, it seems entirely counter-productive.

Horses for Courses
Some warmth and tenderness arrive in the form of Bonnie, (Cloe Sevigny) a jockey that has already had more than her share of misfortune and setback yet even this more caring figure, is forced to overlook the love that Charlie develops for the horse in his charge “Lean on Pete” who is seen simply as a commodity. Home life takes a turn for the worse and the prospect of Pete being sold due to his own failing health is too much for Charlie to contend with, so he and Pete head off on a journey in search of the care and love that they both crave.
I really enjoyed the movie, which is currently showing in a small number of cinemas – but you can see it on Curzon Home Cinema. This is a tender film, revealing how quickly circumstances can alter, how money or its lack has considerable consequences for each of our stories. However, much you have, I was reminded of something I heard… you are the sum of the books you read and the people you meet. Sadly, this isn’t always good.
Against the Rails
Of course, Charley being a minor, isn’t a likely client for any financial planner, more likely the adults would be, though in truth, it is improbable that they would seek advice. Any decent financial planner will investigate the “worst scenarios” that life can throw at you, hopefully ensuring that you have adequate financial protection, certainly sufficient to prevent a very hard financial landing. Perhaps more than that, the regular, ongoing ability to check progress, seek an impartial sounding board for ideas and ultimately to identify and prevent “financial self-harm” that most people drift into without realising. It’s your journey, but a good planner is coaching and encouraging each step.
Here’s the trailer.
Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA
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