In Your Dreams

Debbie Harris
August 2024 • 2 min read
In your dreams
There is a wealth of psychological and anecdotal research around the content of our dreams which I find really interesting. Back in the day I went to see the musical ‘Joseph’ and liked the fact that his dreams were so easy to interpret … in reality this isn’t generally the case!
Scientists and psychologists, old and new, tell us that dreams reveal critical aspects about ourselves. Dreams are supposedly a reflection of our recent state of mind and of future possibilities.
I am slightly curious therefore as to what those scientists and psychologists might read into a dream I had recently where I was attacked in my back garden by a peacock?!
Apparently these sorts of dreams tend to represent an internal battle that the dreamer is fighting (largely subconsciously) but more importantly is our reaction/response to those sorts of dreams. I didn’t wake up afraid and sweating; I was quite calm about it and even though I woke up in the middle of it – I didn’t have a fear response at all; I figured that had I stayed asleep and seen the dream through, I would have ‘won the fight’. So maybe those dream analysts are onto something!
Here at Solomon’s, we don’t peddle in dreams; but we do challenge our clients to consider carefully and mindfully what their ‘ideal’ looks like (so perhaps ‘dreams’ in another sense of the word?!). We never promise that we can turn those dreams into reality; but we work closely with you to give you the best possible chance.