The Rule of 72

Dominic Thomas
Dec 2024  •  2 min read

The Rule of 72

In the finance world we sometimes use the rule of 72, in truth it’s mainly for examination questions. The purpose of the rule is to establish how long it would take to double your money given a set investment return.

Those with a keen sense of maths will appreciate that returns are very rarely fixed, so the formula has limitations for real-life application.

So let’s take an example of a cash deposit paying 3% a year

72/3 = 24 (years)

An investment with a return of 9% a year would take  8 years (72/9 = 8).

As we enter 2025, those of you holding cash of £100,000 would need to wait until 2049 to see this become £200,000. For those investing and achieving 9% a year, your £100,000 becomes £200,000 in 2033 and £400,000 by 2041 and £800,000 by 2049.

Now for those of you working within financial services, or if you work for the FCA, I am not suggesting investments are 9% a year, this is merely designed to demonstrate the point of the maths and yes I am ignoring inflation. In this theoretical world with predictable results of compounding annual returns we might observe the values over time as shown below. The orange line being a 3% annual return and 9% being the blue line.

So whilst theoretical, there are obvious inferences. Investments offering low returns are often deemed as having less risk… but less risk of what? In the same way that higher returns are considered higher risk. For most people building wealth over time, holding too much in ‘low risk’ / low growth investments will have a detrimental effect over time.

So the questions you need to consider are the timeframe for your goals and how much you need to allocate towards growth (genuine growth assets).

The Rule of 722025-01-21T15:53:23+00:00

Lost Gardens of Heligan

Debbie Harris 
August 2023  •  5 min read

Lost Gardens of Heligan

I spent last week in a beautiful part of the world called Gorran Haven, Cornwall.

I have been going there each year with my wider family for over 20 years – it’s our home from home (17 of us attended this year!).

Many years ago, we visited The Lost Gardens of Heligan which is (as their website says) an “astonishing story of regeneration”.

In the 1990s these Victorian productive and ornamental gardens were rediscovered in the grounds of an old mansion house under mountains of brambles and ivy and since then have been lovingly restored to something close to their former glory across 200 acres (so far).

On the estate, there are ‘living sculptures’, magnificent woodland walks, bee hives, farm animals, a ‘jungle’, giant rhubarb plants, enormous rhododendrons, productive gardens (herbs, vegetables, fruit), pleasure grounds, natural climbing trails for kids and adults alike and many ‘work’ areas that were used in Victorian times and have been left much as they were – all providing something of a glimpse back in time.

We went again this year and I was most inspired by the growth that had taken place since my last visit – the workforce there have managed to achieve an evolution of sorts without appearing to have interfered too much with nature’s processes.  It was as wonderful as I remembered; in fact it was better – largely not too much had been tampered with; but certain things had been tweaked, enhanced, emphasised and it was breathtaking.

On reflection, it reminded me (a little!) of why we tell our clients to trust the investment process – it’s a long-term endeavour; it only needs minor tweaks along the way; and can be managed effectively with mindful and careful ‘interference’.  Importantly it takes time and patience (and an expert hand).  Your financial plan may not look like a fine ornamental garden; it may not be an inspirational thing of beauty; but it is ultimately your creation and speaks of your life, your wishes, your legacy and ought therefore to be treated with respect and care by people who think it matters – you and us.

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Leaving a legacy behind

Leaving a legacy behind

Most of us want to leave a legacy – whether that be children, grandchildren, a financial inheritance, making an impact in our job or the charity we support.  But what if our legacy can be bigger than that … ?

Having just had England’s hottest Summer on record, it feels poignant to think about the small steps we can take in the ‘here and now’ that lead to achieving bigger picture goals in the future. With harsher, colder Winters becoming a growing reality and hotter, drier Summers becoming the new norm, we must ask ourselves – what are the small things that we can do in our everyday lives that will help slow down these potentially drastic climate changes?

There are lots of things we can do and we know that many of our clients take this responsibility very seriously, but here are some of the things that are important to me personally and that I have made a conscious choice to be mindful about:

  • Reducing meat consumption

Cutting down on meat consumption is a big way that we can impact our environment – particularly since the way that we currently farm is not sustainable.  Forests and habitats are cut down to provide space and to grow feed for animals – which leads to reduced biodiversity. Cutting down rainforests to use the land for beef farms also has a direct link to how our water cycle works

  • Purchasing locally grown food

Eating local produce reduces fuel emissions that result from importing food from across the world

  • Supporting organic farmers

Whilst organic food is more expensive, it supports our ecosystems. Pesticides (used in producing non-organic products) have been linked to causing hormone imbalances (amongst other things) in the body, all of which can cause a whole host of health issues. It is currently legal in many countries across the world to use pesticides that kill pollinating insects – which as we know are crucial for the health and future of our ecosystems

  • Changing travel routines

Walking or using a bicycle is a great way to stay fit and healthy, as well as keeping our environment free of pollutants. Using public transport or car sharing is a good way to lower our carbon emissions. Thoughtfully choosing a car that can be charged using electricity or has a good C02 emissions rating or thinking about whether or not your family really requires multiple cars is all about being mindful of our decisions and the impact that they have globally

  • Reusing and recycling

There is so much unwanted household waste from clothes and furniture to broken TVs and toys that children have outgrown. Trying to fix things that are broken instead of automatically throwing them into landfill or giving things away to someone who might need them are two ways of getting the most use out of our possessions

I hope this brief look at the changes I am trying to make in my own life has motivated you to also think about the future we’re creating for the people we leave behind. Together hopefully we can begin to reverse some of the effects of climate change … small stones to create larger ripples.

You can read more articles about Pensions, Wealth Management, Retirement, Investments, Financial Planning and Estate Planning on my blog which gets updated every week. If you would like to talk to me about your personal wealth planning and how we can make you stay wealthier for longer then please get in touch by calling 08000 736 273 or email

Leaving a legacy behind2023-12-01T12:12:43+00:00
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