Confession time, I really enjoy Ben Elton’s books. His latest publication “Identity Crisis” is both hilarious and gripping. As is often the case, he wraps some serious uncomfortable truths about the world we live in, our own hypocrisy, in a blanket of comedy. He is the equivalent of Lear’s Fool, offering deeply pertinent wise observations that make you laugh.

The novel is frankly a must read for anyone with a social media account of any description. That’s you. It is set in the very near future, Britain undergoing an identity crisis and having yet another referendum, this time about the separation of England from the UK. The motivations are unclear, except for a backlash against “latte drinking liberal London lefties” and the struggle to adjust to new realities of virtual realities, multiple and changing identities. Throw in some gender politics, a dash of religious discrimination, a pinch of disenfranchisement wrapped in the ribbons and bows of a “proud heritage” and he creates a mix that leaves Politicians running for the comfort of soundbites.

Money, Sex and Power

This of course has absolutely nothing to do with financial planning. Then again, it has everything to do with financial planning. The way that money, sex and power combine to persuade people to behave in a way that may serve their baser instincts but against what is in their own interests.

Solomons IFA Blog Identity Crisis - Ben Elton

Incoming SPAM

I am sure that if you have an email account (you must do). At some point you have had various emails that have somehow bypassed your spam filters. These may offer the promise of lucrative rewards for assisting moving money around, perhaps offer a money-making scheme or threaten to expose you for something you have done, might have done, or never have done but the fishing trip alone is enough to make you wonder. We have all heard of cyber bullying and generally assume this is something that happens to children at school, where bullies now have constant access to their prey via social (unsocial) media. Yet we all know that those three pillars of money, sex and power are more vulnerable amongst the adult population, those that possess a modicum of one or more.

You may well find yourself confounded by the changing social attitudes to gender and its new fluidity, but everyone of us has an identity that we do not wish to see trashed by the prospect of blackmail, however baseless and fake. You are in my electronic address book and I in yours. So I wonder whether you have considered what a financial planner, (or any of your professional advisers) but particularly a planner that knows all about you and your money, might compromise if placed under the duress of blackmail. Not given it much thought? No neither had I until I wondered how someone that had actually done some of the things suggested in an email might have responded differently to the threat of “exposure” in exchange of payments of Bitcoins. I simply hit delete, but I did wonder how some would respond.

Hashtag Keep It Real

We all want those that we trust to be “decent” people, we know that we are all flawed. None of us wish to expose our own. Everyone has their thing. Please know that I am not remotely interested in yours and assume the same. It is this that any blackmailer preys upon – the delusion that your private life is of any significant interest. Those possessing a grasp on reality and a healthy amount of self-awareness recognise a world in which we are all flawed. Rather than face our own failings, we live in times that crowds now gather virtually around the corpse du jour, perhaps joining the mellay. Occasionally making a Game of Thrones battle look like a Sunday picnic.

So, haven given it some thought (it is a work in progress) I would encourage everyone, you and me to ignore blackmail. We are what we are, a blackmailer only wins when we pretend to be otherwise. Accept that we have a flawed identity, own the truth.

Here is Ben Elton talking about his book.

Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA

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The Old Mill Cobham Park Road, COBHAM Surrey, KT11 3NE

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IDENTITY CRISIS2023-12-01T12:17:27+00:00

This is a man’s world right?… er no


We have heard it said that this is a man’s world. I have no doubt that there is a great deal of gender inequality and that women tend to be the target for any passing misogynistic cheap shot and despite all our laws to prevent it, such attitudes persist. In practice of course, it has little if anything to do with a woman’s ability and everything to do with a “mans” insecurity.

The Most Powerful Position on Earth

Take Janet Yellen, who at 67 looks set to become possibly the most powerful person on earth (don’t tell the President). She looks set to head up the Federal Reserve; it will be her leadership that sets the tone of US economics and monetary policy, which will impact us all (given the size of the US stockmarket). Her significant credentials are considerable; yet the mere fact that at 67 she is embarking on such a powerful position is itself impressive. The majority of the Western world looks to retire at such an age, yet she seems to shifting gears and ready for action.

Defying Gravity?

Yesterday I was on a training course, led by a woman, the best and most thoughtful questions and responses came from the females in the audience. In the evening I was at the London premier of “Gravity” which is a fantastic, very tense new film (that you really must shell out to see in 3D), which whilst fiction, has a hugely impressive female lead character (played by Sandra Bullock) who overcomes enormous difficulties. This morning Radio 4 were featuring Carolyn McCall who is the CEO of Easyjet, who has managed to treble their share price (form £4 to £12) in a little over 3 years and has picked up accolades for services to women in business.

Changing Perspective

So we can probably agree that things are changing, not before time! Yet my industry is still dominated by a “male voice” and fails to engage with women generally. More than half of my clients are female and I insist on seeing couples together, yet I am certain that more could be done to make financial planning more engaging for women (and men). I suspect the language of much of financial services is tiresome to both sexes, it’s just that women are less willing to engage with the utter nonsense that is spewed into the arena. So, here’s where I need your help – what are your suggestions and thoughts? – how can I make the personal, bespoke financial planning that I provide even more accessible to women? (and men).

Dominic Thomas: Solomons IFA

This is a man’s world right?… er no2023-12-01T12:38:25+00:00
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