China – 8000 miles

China – 8,000 miles

I’m sat in the shadow of Beinn Resipol, a remote and moody monument in mountain form, close to Moidart in the Highlands of Scotland. Shanghai is around 8,000 miles away. Still, I can hear the sound of investor panic.

The following extracts from Bloomberg’s daily Economic Brief sum up what’s happening over there…

‘In the second quarter, China’s markets and economy were in a virtuous circle upward. In the third quarter, they are in a vicious spiral down. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 8.5 percent to 3,209.9 at the close on Monday. The index is now down 37 percent from its mid-June high and below the 3,500 mark that many investors expected the government to defend.’


‘All of the forces that accelerated market momentum on the way up are now working in reverse on the way down. The balance of outstanding margin loans has fallen to 1.4 trillion yuan, down from a peak of close to 2.3 trillion yuan in mid-June. The number of new trading accounts has slumped as the “greater fools” to whom speculators had hoped to offload stocks have wised up.’

I don’t doubt that some investors expected the Chinese government to defend stock prices but, for the life of me, I can’t figure out how the government could possibly succeed in so doing; I know of neither mechanism nor precedent. Of course, the government will do something. It will engage more easing – most likely in the form of reduced reserve requirements for banks – and that might go some way to settling investors. But it won’t sustain asset prices for long. And besides, the Chinese government has far larger fish to fry.

China’s economy is slowing. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s something of a necessity if policymakers are to be successful in re-balancing the Dragon economy toward a more sustainable model – away from debt-fuelled investment on the one hand, toward higher household spending driven by rising incomes on the other. The alternative is worse – economies with over-sized investment tend to slow too, ultimately, but in a much more dramatic fashion. And that would be a disaster for the one party, in a one-party system, whose legitimacy is founded on lifting living-standards. So, the period of transition that China faces is a very difficult one indeed. Success, if it is successful, will be hard won.

In the meantime, China’s slowdown comes at a bad time for the global economy. Brazil and Russia are in decline, so too is Japan and the euro-zone is struggling to escape the doldrums. It seems a great many investors were counting on China – which, according to the Wall St Journal, ‘accounts for 15% of global output but has contributed up to half of global growth in recent years’ – to maintain some momentum.

That was always a dangerous assumption.

Steve Williams


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China – 8000 miles2023-12-01T12:20:00+00:00

This is a man’s world right?… er no


We have heard it said that this is a man’s world. I have no doubt that there is a great deal of gender inequality and that women tend to be the target for any passing misogynistic cheap shot and despite all our laws to prevent it, such attitudes persist. In practice of course, it has little if anything to do with a woman’s ability and everything to do with a “mans” insecurity.

The Most Powerful Position on Earth

Take Janet Yellen, who at 67 looks set to become possibly the most powerful person on earth (don’t tell the President). She looks set to head up the Federal Reserve; it will be her leadership that sets the tone of US economics and monetary policy, which will impact us all (given the size of the US stockmarket). Her significant credentials are considerable; yet the mere fact that at 67 she is embarking on such a powerful position is itself impressive. The majority of the Western world looks to retire at such an age, yet she seems to shifting gears and ready for action.

Defying Gravity?

Yesterday I was on a training course, led by a woman, the best and most thoughtful questions and responses came from the females in the audience. In the evening I was at the London premier of “Gravity” which is a fantastic, very tense new film (that you really must shell out to see in 3D), which whilst fiction, has a hugely impressive female lead character (played by Sandra Bullock) who overcomes enormous difficulties. This morning Radio 4 were featuring Carolyn McCall who is the CEO of Easyjet, who has managed to treble their share price (form £4 to £12) in a little over 3 years and has picked up accolades for services to women in business.

Changing Perspective

So we can probably agree that things are changing, not before time! Yet my industry is still dominated by a “male voice” and fails to engage with women generally. More than half of my clients are female and I insist on seeing couples together, yet I am certain that more could be done to make financial planning more engaging for women (and men). I suspect the language of much of financial services is tiresome to both sexes, it’s just that women are less willing to engage with the utter nonsense that is spewed into the arena. So, here’s where I need your help – what are your suggestions and thoughts? – how can I make the personal, bespoke financial planning that I provide even more accessible to women? (and men).

Dominic Thomas: Solomons IFA

This is a man’s world right?… er no2025-02-03T14:13:37+00:00
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