Captain of a 737

Debbie Harris
Nov 2024  •  2 min read

Captain of a 737 (sort of) – for an hour!

In my ongoing endeavour to do new and different things this year, I recently spent an hour flying a Boeing 737 flight simulator!

My ‘children’ will tell you that I am utterly dreadful at video games as my hand-to-eye coordination is shockingly rubbish, so I went into this particular experience with the mantra “please don’t let me crash”.

Suffice to say, my visual efforts were much better than my rely-on-the-instruments efforts, but I successfully took off and landed the ‘aircraft’ which felt like a massive achievement frankly!

At the end of the session, my co-pilot (*ahem!) said that I had learned a tiny fraction of what pilots have to learn. I laughed and told him that I would not ever in a million years be able to do what they do – absolutely not my skillset!

Which reminded me that we delegate tasks to other people all the time – train drivers, mechanics, plumbers, doctors, financial planners – because they are trained to do what you cannot (or have no desire to do).

And did I crash? Well no – at least … not the airplane. The simulator software on the other hand – I managed to crash that – TWICE!