Are you under the finfluence?

Daniel Liddicott
Sept 2024  •  2 min read

Are you under the finfluence?

Social media has become awash with financial influencers (also known as ‘finfluencers’) over the last few years. Whether they are talking about tax on TikTok or informing people about ISAs on Instagram, there is a real danger that those viewing their content may be at risk of making harmful financial decisions as a result.

Giving financial advice as we do is extensively, and rightly, regulated to ensure that any recommendations that are made to you are coming from specialists who are authorised to do so. Whilst more generic financial information is not necessarily harmful i.e., explaining the ISA annual allowance; some information given with good intentions to the wrong group of people could lead down a dangerous path.

I have seen one such example from a YouTuber (naming no names). She explained junior ISAs (JISAs) and how she and her husband have started paying into one each month for their toddler. Not an overtly bad thing to do by any means. She continued to show projections of what she believed the value of the JISA would be at their child’s various milestone birthdays – a powerfully persuasive method of showing the benefits of doing this.

However, there are problems with this. She used returns figures for her projections that are unrealistic (even if using a stocks & shares JISA over the long term). She did not once mention that the value of investments can go down as well as up and that the funds could realistically run out. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that some people viewing this content might then have opened a stocks & shares JISA for their child without fully understanding the risks involved.

This is just one relatively small example of how providing generic, selective information could lead to potential financial harm. Finfluencers have also been known to promote high risk, unregulated products such as cryptocurrencies without truly understanding or conveying the risks involved.

When under the finfluence, caution is required.

Are you under the finfluence?2025-01-21T15:19:38+00:00

Is it time to give up driving Miss Daisy?

Dominic Thomas
July 2023  •  8 min read

Is it time to give up driving Miss Daisy?

Amongst the showers that interrupted the tennis, I spotted a piece on the BBC news site. The clickbait that caught my eye “People should plan retirement from driving”. The article is about families challenging the older generation with a question about their ability to drive. Pause on that for a moment. I once heard a joke that basically said that the two things you cannot criticize anyone for are their sexual prowess and their driving. In fact, the offence to challenge either appears almost equally and deeply hurtful.

The latest attempt by the regulator to ensure the right things are being done, (without being too obviously a new lick of paint such as FSA to FCA) is called “Consumer Duty”. A large element of this is about vulnerability. In short, are you more likely to misunderstand advice or be “taken advantage of” because you are either temporarily or permanently “vulnerable”. The term is of course open to interpretation, the intention though is very well meaning.

However, such discussions are rarely easy. Imagine being told that you are no longer fit to drive. So many of us cherish our independence, which is what our ability to drive represents. Indeed if you live in a rural area, your car may be your practical connection to wider society. Yet getting this wrong (which likely means a serious accident happened) will have devastating impact. There is a huge risk of causing offence, appearing patronising or controlling, yet this is “for your own good”.

So how will you know when it is time?

I have been struck by the wisdom of several of our older clients. Two incidents stand out. The first had the foresight to not simply visit local care homes, but she booked herself in for a week or so to see what the level of care was like. She wasn’t impressed and made other arrangements. The second possesses a grasp of self-awareness and a wisdom that I hope I achieve. He knew that at some point he wouldn’t know what he didn’t know. If that sounds a little Donald Rumsfeld, its intended. In short, he wanted me to take over the reigns so that his affairs remain in top notch condition.

Most of us are reluctant to become reliant on others. We generally place very high value on our own ability to make our own choices, we also have a tendency for overconfidence in our own abilities. Ask a room of people to raise their hand if they consider themselves a “better than average driver” the majority will raise their hand, which of course statistically doesn’t hold with logic. The majority cannot be above average.

So in our planning for you, we will increasingly be faced with ever more difficult conversations as we all age about how we protect ourselves from ourselves. Our role is to speak truth and consider your future in the context of all we understand. The BBC article is a sobering reminder that we cannot ignore things simply because it may offend.

Currently your driving license expires when you reach age 70. You retain the right to renew. I remember a short film by David Ackerman starring John Cleese called “Taking the Wheel” (2002) which is an amusing take on why his 90-year-old-mother refused to give up driving.

Is it time to give up driving Miss Daisy?2023-12-01T12:12:30+00:00
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