Wimbledon 2014
For me, many of life’s milestone’s are based upon the sporting calendar. Its Wimbledon 2014 and its not so much that I watch every shot but that it signifies that the English summer is really here (despite the weather). It acts as a reminder of years gone by, stretching all the way back to childhood and watching coverage on the BBC or even listening to games on the radio. It isn’t even as though I’m particularly recalling all the great tennis players of the past, merely that it, like so many other events is another way of marking time and moments in my life.
As we are based in Wimbledon, well… next door. It seemed like a good idea to create a small campaign. So I have put together a free report that you can download for free. This explores the 5 most common mistakes that investor make. I have probably got a lot to learn in terms of making the report punchy or marketing friendly. Its a genuine attempt to provide something of use to anyone that has any intention of investing.
Do have a look at the report, I’d welcome any feedback, more importantly though, pass on the link to your friends that you believe could benefit. Here is the link