Its good to live in a democracy. Here in Britain we are being asked to help shape the future of our tax system. A cynic might say that this is a way to be able to blame the public for whatever mess then ensues. An optimist might say that this is a great chance for a radical overhaul and make the system clear and fair. As someone that has both of these aspects, I can agree with myself, that surely it is better to have a say than none at all – irrespective of whether opinion is implemented into something meaningful.
The Government want your views on the tax system… don’t get too carried away, this is not to propose a tax dodging approach as applied in certain European countries, but a more of a request for feedback on how things could be clearer and perhaps better.
Tax is probably your largest single expense, even with people like me attempting to reduce and reclaim tax for you legitimately, you probably give HMRC more money than anyone else. So one would hope that taxpayers would get involved in the discussion. You now have 12 weeks (until 24 February 2012) to get involved. HMRC have produced a typically dry 25 page document (I’m sure a marketing expert could create something better that would encourage greater responses). I would urge you to get involved. I know Christmas is just around the corner – as is 31st January tax payment date – but this is an opportunity to do something about our overly complex and rather daft system.
You can find the document within the news section of my website or at the HMRC website. We all tend to feel somewhat fed up with how public money is wasted, so why not use this opportunity to create some change. Let me know if you get involved.
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