Hopeful Christmas

Hopeful Christmas
Where does the time go? Only last year I blogged about my god-daughter Hope who had her first proper launch event. After a very busy year, she’s now released an EP album, called “Optimist” – that seems to be gaining some traction and climbing up the singer/songwriter charts. Now all of 16, her latest track is available on i-tunes. Perhaps one for the Christmas stocking?
Do have a listen, you can buy it for the princely sum of £3.14 on i-tunes.
Here’s the title video, which is dedicated to her late father and my very dear friend, who having suffered from a rare form of cancer (mulitple endocrine neoplasia) eventually died from the injuries resulting from a motorcycle crash in August 2006. You can find her on Jacket Records, a new small label run by Jack Hobbs, who also wrote a song for her “So Much More“.
As you know, I’m not a betting man, but I’d suggest that this is best investment for £3.14 you could make this Christmas and help to get the much needed Optimist on the radar.. what’s more you could order it right now from where you are. Happy Christmas.
Dominic Thomas
Solomons IFA
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