Becoming Tribal
Becoming Tribal
I have been experiencing the promise of a great solution to improve what it is that we do for our clients, and how to attract more of the right sort of clients. At this point in my use of and experience with the new software, I am finding that I am, what Richard Tripp calls, becoming tribal.
I have read hundreds of books about entrepreneurialism, business and leadership.In fact its probably what I spend the most amount of time in my personal development outside of my immediate discipline as a financial planner. This is in part because I love business, to some people that sounds weird, but others of you will get it. I love seeing businesses thrive, creating jobs and value. I have always been interested in entrepreneurialism and business, which is why I did a Business Studies Degree after school, though frankly it was not the experience that I had hoped it would be. Unfortunately it wasn’t the right fit for me at the time, over the 4-year sandwich course, I enjoyed no more than a handful of lectures and the most memorable was about design, by someone who wasn’t even part of the Business School.
Anyhow, Richard Tripp has a great 30 minute video, highlighting the problems that many (probably most) businesses suffer from, which probably helps explain the high business failure rate. So if you are a business owner, or are planning to start one, have a look at his video. I’m not suggesting you sign up, but certainly have a look at
Dominic Thomas: Solomons