A New Widow
A New Widow
It is good to see that Scottish Widows have figured out that having a financial plan rather than a collection of policies and investments is the better approach to better results. On Monday they began a new consumer campaign – Life Feels Better When You Have A Plan… its as though they looked at my website! They are also updating their image with yet another “widow” the fourth, Amber Martinez at just 24 (how many 24 year old widows are there really?) is the new face of Scottish Widows taking over from Hayley Hunt, who was the widow since 2005. Here is a link to the new advert that has gone live.
Here are the four widows talking about the role. Am I alone in thinking that the age of the widow is possibly important? by definition to be a widow you have to have been married.
Dominic Thomas: Solomons IFA