Here is a list of some of the better Cash ISA rates that are widely available to most people within the retail banking and building society sphere. Remember this is a list, is not advice and merely for information so that you have a guide to the general level of better rates of interest widely available.
Instant Access Accounts
- Building Society: Leeds 2.00%
- Bank: Virgin Money 2.00%
- On-line: National Counties 2.25%
Cash ISAs – Fixed Rates of interest
- Building Society: Leek United 2.75% (3 years)
- Bank: Bank of Scotland 2.80% (4 years)
- On-line: Bank of Scotland 2.80% (4 years)
Cash ISAs – Variable Rates of interest
- Building Society: Earl Shilton 2.70% (90 day notice)
- Bank: Virgin Money 2.00%
- On-line: Monmouthshire Building Society 2.50% (30 day notice)
Of course rates change regularly, though this tends to be in response to announcements from the Bank of England. I would remind you that the Bank of England base rate is currently 0.50%. Once again your attention is drawn to compensation limits of £85,000 per person per banking license. So given the instability of the global economy and the potential for claims, diversifying your cash holdings is arguably as important (if not more so) than diversifying your investment portfolio. See the FSCS website for more information. Remember that you have until 5th April to use your ISA allowance for 2012/13.