1967: Thee Bites of the Apple
As Apple seem to be the benchmark in technological coolness, it seems appropriate to keep you posted on their financial numbers too. Yesterday they announced the Q3 results (only Apple could make 30 June mean third quarter). This revealed $35bn revenue for the quarter and a net profit of $8.8bn, which by my maths is a 25% net profit margin. These numbers are an increase on the same period last year.
All those gadgets that we are buying – amounted to 26 million iPhones (up 28%) and 17 million iPads (up 84%). Apple’s original product – the Mac, well they only sold 1 million desktop macs and 3 million portables, an increase of just 2%. Read into that what you will, but my suspicion is that the portable device market is the clear, big winner for Apple. However, this is a market with increasing competition and of course impact of the death of Steve Jobs on the direction and innovation of the company remains to be seen. If you have Quicktime, you can see the presentation here. The lion share of the revenue is derived from the US and Europe. It should also be noted that nearly half of the total revenue was derived from iTunes – some $16.2m.

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